Month: March 2015

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  • Action Alert: Support Community Healthcare!

    [lead]Tell Governor Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Heastie, and Senate Majority Leader Skelos to remove the proposed 340b language from the NYS budget![/lead] Ending AIDS requires maintaining government support for community health care. Congress enacted the 340B drug-pricing law to enable covered entities, including federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) to “stretch scarce Federal resources as far as possible.” The Governor’s budget…


  • 73 million HIV+ in last 3 decades

    Where are we in the fight against HIV/AIDS? is dedicated to connecting patients, students and professionals to the latest and most useful healthcare information and resources available. The site offers a comprehensive look into the expanding field of public health, the latest in health policy updates and recommendations and information on launching a career in public health. Recently, the site published a summary…


The front of a black tote bag with an orange Harlem United logo next to the back of the tote bag, which reads "There's some magical s#*! going on in here. - Jade, long-time client and peer." Underneath the tote bag images, is text that reads "Donate $25 and claim your limited-edition Harlem United tote bag!"